Sunday, February 15, 2015

35 Birthdays

I've said it before, and I'll say it again: I love birthdays!! I know women aren't supposed to reveal their age, and a lot of people dread their birthday as they get older. But I look forward to it with child-like enthusiasm. And even though life is harder now in a lot of ways, it also just gets better and better. 

There is no part of me that wants to go was great, traveling was thrilling, South Africa was life-changing, now is tiring. It is, I have three very young children who need my attention constantly which is tiring...but it's beautiful, too. They are beautiful. I love my husband and we have learned so much together. Living life with him in our 20's was great, but our 30's are even better! 

I've had some very memorable birthdays. My mom always made incredible cakes for our parties, (she's the one who taught me) and she was so good at making me feel special. Today was no exception. Chris had to work this morning, so she took me and the kids out for breakfast. Then when Chris finished working she watched the kids so Chris and I could go out on a date, which was so nice! 

This was also the first birthday where one of my kids woke up and remembered. Harper jumped out of bed saying excitedly, 'it's mom's birthday!', and came running down the hall to my room to sing happy birthday to me. And all morning my girls delivered one picture after another that they colored just for me.

35 doesn't scare me. Not even close. It excites me! And I'm ready for it. 

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