Tuesday, February 1, 2011

I'm Seeing Red

I'm sorry to say that I'm actually one of those annoying people that enjoys the month of February. I like Valentine's Day...there, I said it. But my birthday is also this month, which even though I'm getting older, I still enjoy birthdays. And what's better than a month of thankfulness? A month devoted to love. Even though the holiday is geared towards romance, I'm blogging about all the things I love this month. Starting with....french fries!

I love french fries. I actually love pretty much any fried potato product. When I got pregnant with Harper I wanted to give up fries and eat really healthy. It didn't last long, and I ended up eating so many french fries that I thought for sure she would come out looking like one.

Since we've lived in Arizona, it's been a birthday tradition to go to Red Robin for my birthday dinner because they serve bottomless fries. Yes, my heart is really that fat.

The problem is that Chris and I are trying to eat healthier. Fries don't really qualify as healthy...although given some time I'm sure I can come up with a few benefits to consuming french fries. But hey, everyone's allowed to splurge on their birthday, right? Two weeks of some good healthy eating, I'll be ready for a break. And yes, that is a strawberry lemonade with a ton of strawberry slices floating inside! You can come to my birthday dinner too if you want.

1 comment:

  1. I printed my free "Red Robin burger coupon" and didn't use it in time!!! Whaaaaa!!!! Maybe we can dip our fries in Ranch together this month!!!
