Wednesday, February 2, 2011


I can now honestly say that I love CrossFit. I've never enjoyed working out before in my life until now. I never knew what to do in a gym. I was never athletic, so my coordination is definitely not the best. I would go to the YMCA and do some stretches that I learned from dancing and work on a few machines the best I knew how, and then the rest of my time was devoted to walking, not running, on a treadmill. (If you could see how I run, you would understand this) Now Chris and I are doing CrossFit, and it is not only a great workout, it's fun, too. It's a full body workout with a trainer in the class, and everyday you do something different. We do a lot of squats with barbells...overhead squats, back squats, front squats...and we also do push presses, dead lifts, etc. Who would have thought I could do any of that??? If you want to see the kind of stuff we're doing, click on the link above. And if you have one nearby, you should totally try it out! And even though Harper's a bit young right now, they have a CrossFit Kids that gets kids active and in shape. Someday Harper...

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