Thursday, January 27, 2011

You Moms Are the Best!

I want to say thank you to all you moms who read my blog and leave comments. I think any blogger enjoys reading comments, to know that people out there want to hear what you have to say. But it's so helpful to hear what my friends are experiencing in their own parenting journeys as well. Isn't it crazy how we all started so in the dark? I mean, even if you were a nanny and you babysat every day of your pre-mom life, having a baby for the first time is pretty scary when you finally wake up and realize you have no idea what you're doing! And then the maternal instincts that God has blessed us with kicks in and we just do it and make it happen. I feel like I've learned more in this last year than I've ever learned in one year of life. And having the support of family and friends makes all the difference in the world.
Most of the women from our camp family and some other friends

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