Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Come On Already!

Harper has seriously been teething since like 4 months old! Of course, I am a first time mom, so I could have been wrong, but I read a TON and she was definitely showing signs back then. Her poor little gums have been so swollen for so long. Her top two gums have been swollen off and on for a couple of months, and now some of the molar spots are swollen. Also, the tooth right next to the two bottom on the right side. That's a lot of action with no results as of yet. I'm not worried, I know it's not a bad thing for them to be coming in late. Actually, they say it's better for her teeth the later they come. I just want the discomfort to be over for her. Hopefully they'll start breaking through soon. Tooth count as of today:  still 2.


  1. Rachel! I completely understand. Janna was a super slow teether too.
    She started all the teething signs at 4 months as well, but her first two didn't pop through until she was 9 months old! She didn't get another until a couple months after her 1st birthday, and then another couple months until the next one. I think around 18 months she got like 4 pretty close together. She was really slow on molars too. Looking back I felt the same way you did, didn't want her to hurt anymore. Won't be too long until you're looking back too! :)

  2. She sounds like she's on the same track as Rylee. Rylee got her bottom two right at 13 months and at 15 months she got the top 4 and now at 18 months she still only has a total of 6 teeth. I've taken her to the dentist and they said everything was good and it is good for them to be late because they have less time to be exposed to cavities. It's hard when your baby is hurting and you can't really end it any sooner for them.
