Friday, January 28, 2011

My Toddler Isn't Toddling Yet

Harper is almost 13 months and she still has yet to take her first independent steps. Actually, she won't even stand without holding onto something. I'm not worried, she actually has the strength to do it, because she has done it a few times without realizing it. Every now and then she'll be so occupied with something that she'll stand on her own. But it only takes a couple of seconds for her to realize. Then she makes this kind of panicked face and starts to squat for balance, and depending on what's around her she'll either grab onto something or very slowly fall down. So the strength is there, it's just a confidence thing. We've been advised to give her a stroller or toy that she can push around the house. Yeah, she has 3 of those and she loves them. She can walk with those like it's nothing, and she's great at cruising. She just has to be touching something. I was researching tips online to help her, and one website said that it's perfectly normal and you just have to wait. It also mentioned that since I may have to carry my toddler around for several more months, I should try wearing a fanny pack to act as a "shelf" for her to sit on. Yes!!! I've always wanted an excuse to wear a cool storage compartment around my waist.

1 comment:

  1. LOL, I just had a flash back to the 80's! Please crimp your hair too if you get a fanny pack!
