Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Where's House When You Need Him?

Ever since Harper's 12 month check up on the 6th, she's been having issues. She got 4 immunizations that day, and I'm starting to think everything could be related to that, but I'm not sure. And since we took her to the pediatrician yesterday who basically said she has no idea what's wrong with her, I still have no answers. So here you go readers. Any thoughts would be greatly appreciated. Obviously I'm no doctor, and neither are most of you, but moms tend to know quite a bit through experience so I'm all ears.

January 6: 4 immunizations (including MMR which I'm thinking could be the culprit?)

January 6-8: High fever over 100F

January 11: Vomiting started after her afternoon nap. Probably about 8 times. Woke up happy next day.

January 13: Vomiting started after she went to bed. About 4 times. Woke up happy next day.

January 15: Vomited once after she went to bed.

January 16: Spent the day in Phoenix. She didn't sleep well on the ride at all, so very tired that day. Not eating normally. Kind of picky and not her usual appetite.

January 17: Very fussy, I'm sure mostly due to the lack of sleep the day before. Still not much of an appetite. 3 little red bumps on her belly that looked kind of like mild bug bites.

January 18: Same 3 bumps when she woke up that morning, no change. Still less of an appetite. After she woke from her morning nap, belly covered in many more bumps, and it started spreading to her arms and neck.

The doctor said that if it were chicken pox it would have been white yesterday (at least the 3 that showed up the day before). And she said that all of the symptoms combined don't make any sense at all. She's thinking possible milk allergy. But since Harper's been throwing up, I've cut out milk and gone back to formula. Other than the milk in the formula, she's been off dairy since Saturday. I'm going to keep her off of it this week and re-introduce it next week, but we'll see. She hasn't woken up yet this morning, so I'm interested to see how the bumps are today. When they weighed her yesterday she had lost a little weight. It wasn't much, but she doesn't have enough to lose in my opinion, so I don't like that at all. I just want her to get better.


  1. Oh man. After going through the past month & a half in our house, I am convinced that there is nothing worse than seeing your child hurting. After doing a lot of research, we chose to follow an alternative/delayed immunization schedule with Cougan... I got to be somewhat familiar with a lot of the vaccines & what's in them. What were the other vaccines Harper got on the 6th? Fever and rash are both common with the MMR vaccine, as well as a few others. (According to Dr. Sears, 1 in 6 babies have a fever after the shot, and rash occurs in a little more than 1 in 20.) As far as the vomiting... has Harper eaten eggs before? The MMR vaccine contains egg protein, which is a common allergy in babies. Common symptoms of an egg allergy include both vomiting & rash (hives), as well as belly pain, difficulty breathing, and some other more serious problems. I would definitely try to rule this out if you're not sure whether or not she has an egg allergy. Another possibility: this nasty stomach flu has been going around. Having several immunizations at once could have "overloaded" Harper's immune system, so even if you & Chris weren't sick, she might have gotten the stomach flu on top of the vaccine reactions. Hmm... I could look in some of my books & see if I can come up with any other possibilities. Hope she's feeling better today!!! Cougan & I will say a prayer for you guys. Hang in there, mama. You're doing a great job!!!

  2. Ick! That's no fun! Janna and Harper have the same birthday, and Janna was sick for almost a week starting the night of her birthday! She had a stomach flu of some kind. That's what the vomiting made me think of. If she does have any kind of stomach bug, even the milk-based formula could make her keep vomiting. This was the worst, but after three days of vomiting and diarrhea we had to force Pedialyte into Janna with a medicine dropper every 30 minutes (It's all she had all day). It was an awfully long day, but I think it started the turn around. She was able to eat bread the next day and keep it down!
    Don't know about the bumps/rash. However, I agree, it does seem like it could be related to the shots, allergic reaction or something. How frustrating that your pediatrician can't figure it out.
    Hope she gets better soon!!!

  3. read this post a few days too late! glad she's feeling better now. I wonder if she had roseola (without busting out into a full rash...). It's pretty common in infants/toddlers:
