Thursday, January 20, 2011

On the Mend??

So maybe I spoke too soon? The little red bumps are almost completely gone, and we have now gone 3 nights in a row of Harper sleeping straight through the puking and no sore gums. (Did I mention she has like 4 teeth trying to come in amongst everything else?) So here's what I'm thinking: high fever in the beginning due to vaccinations (almost a given), and throwing up was actually a stomach bug that she caught (due to the fact that the next day my mom was sick and the day after that I had a very high fever). The mystery is the small red bumps that lasted a day and a half. Maybe food allergy? The only dairy she's consuming right now is formula, which I put her back on recently. Next week I'll slowly re-introduce dairy foods and then whole milk after that. The only new thing she had that I can think of was the tiniest little tastes of my chocolate ice cream. We're talking bites smaller than her pinky fingernail. But still, if she's allergic to chocolate, maybe that's the culprit. Thanks to everyone for the prayers, advice and well wishes.


  1. One thing I've realized is that shots and teething makes them do the craziest, weirdest things. Probably a combo of both or all things shocking her little body at once. Glad she's feeling better!

  2. The small red bumps are pretty common after a fever. My girls when they were babies almost always got a rash after fever. It's hard to tell and if you and Chris don't have food allergies it's not very likely that she will. As a mom of 4 kiddos stuff like this happens and is unexplained! Just part of mommyhood. ;)
