Sunday, January 16, 2011

Our Friend the Marathon Runner

Our friends Jim and Erin Warne are in town visiting, and today we all drove down to Phoenix, minus Chris due to work, for Jim's first marathon! It was really exciting watching thousands of people preparing to accomplish such an amazing feat. And I was of course proud of our friend for what he achieved today. We started early, getting up at 4am and leaving the house at 4:30...Harper being the only lucky one still in pj's. We got down to the valley around 6:30 and headed to the start while finding our way around the massive lines for the porta-potties.

Once Jim started running, Erin, Harper and I headed to IHOP. I know, the classic picture of health. Harper wasn't too impressed, being that she didn't sleep well last night and slept maybe a total of 20 minutes in our 2 hour trip down the mountains. Not a great start to her day. She was completely exhausted. After IHOP we went to Target for a few minutes, because for those of you who don't know, Prescott has the smallest Target in the nation. Uh huh, we're that lucky. On our way to Ikea, Harper finally dozed off, so Erin and I sat in the car with her in the parking lot waiting for her to catch up on some much needed sleep. After drooling over the merchandise and buying an overpriced (and mis-labled) stuffed animal, we headed over to the finish line.

It was a long day both for Jim and Harper. Jim for obvious reasons, and Harper for the fact that I believe this day holds the record for the least amount of sleep she has ever had in her entire one year of life. Take a look...

We're so proud of you Jim! Congratulations!! Great Job!

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