Saturday, January 15, 2011

Sick Again

Thursday night Harper was sick again. (And just for historical accuracy, Harper was sick Tuesday night not bad). Wednesday night she seemed all better, but Thursday night, after she had been sleeping for a few hours, she started crying. When I went in to check on her, she was laying in her throw up. Very sad. So I got my chance. And in all honestly, there was no where else I would have rather been! I cleaned her up, changed the sheets, cuddled with her, and put her back to sleep. I stayed up until around 2am reading a book to keep me awake so that I could get her over the trash can each time. But after the fourth time I was pretty sure she was done just by the peacefulness of her sleep. So I brought in our single futon mattress and went to sleep. Sure enough, that was the end of it. She's been better so far. Last night she went to sleep at 6:00 and didn't make a single sound until 7:30 this morning! Let's hope she's on the mend for real this time.

1 comment:

  1. Poor sweet little girl went through the same thing this week too. They look at you with such confusion because they don't understand what's happening to their body. It is a gross thing to go through as a parent but at least we can comprehend sickness and discomfort. Hope she feels better soon.
