Tuesday, December 21, 2010

This Time Last Year

This time last year I looked like this:

This time last year we were finishing up the final touches in the nursery, making sure we had all our gear, checking the hospital bag, and practicing being parents...hehe...

This time last year, we didn't even know if Harper was a boy or a girl!

Today I bought the dress Harper will wear to her first birthday party. Crazy! We love our beautiful daughter and our beautiful life. God has blessed us so much, and I am so incredibly grateful!

1 comment:

  1. Rachel, I've been having 'this-time-last-year' thoughts with my little girl the past few days. She turns one tomorrow. It's a neat process. I also wanted to thank you for sharing about your process of weening Harper. Fiona weened herself at 8 months--it was a little early for me but I made it through. A friend of mine subtly tried to convince me to keep pushing it but I knew she was ready to be done. I appreciated your thoughts about it :) I know that we don't know each other that well but I just wanted to share all that with you.
