Wednesday, December 22, 2010

I Think I Might Be Sick

Are you ready for this one? So tonight we put Harper in the tub, and I ask Chris to watch her for a minute while I grab something out of her room. When I come back, I notice a little piece of poop in the water. Gross, right? Chris never saw it and had no idea it was there. So I put it in the toilet and turned back around towards Harper just in time to see her spitting some out of her mouth. That's right...Harper pooped in the tub and tried to eat it! And her dad didn't even have a clue!!! Here's hoping she doesn't inherit his ADD. At least she had enough sense to spit it out, right?

1 comment:

  1. Awesome! Wow. Yeah, I think the pooping in the bathtub is just a rite of passage, unfortunately. Oscar just had his first tub poo a few weeks ago. Both of us freaked out, too. Then we had to keep a straight face when he said "Brown come out my bottom?" Oh parenthood.
