Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Best Buddies

Harper and Eeyore, together forever. This is Harper's Eeyore doll that her Grandpa Holohan bought her. Eeyore usually doesn't get to come out and play because he stays in her crib to await her for nap times and bed time. But he does get to go with us to church, just in case she gets a little grumpy in the nursery. The other day after church he ended up in the living room instead of the nursery, and she just stood around cuddling with him on the coffee table. It was pretty sweet!


  1. Rachel, I really just can't get over how stinking adorable that little girl is. She is so so very precious! Love and miss you much! xoxoxoxox

  2. This is such a perfect shot that people might think it's Photoshopped! LOL!!
