Wednesday, October 15, 2014

No, My Car Doesn't Stink

If you ever happen to drive past me on Hassayampa, or any road near home for that matter, and I'm holding my nose shut, chances are I'm singing. Yes, it is weird...but there's a reason. 

Nap time is an important time. Important for kids, and equally important for moms. Kinley loves sleeping in the car. She can't fight the slumber-inducing motion of a vehicle. And although she isn't the easiest kid to get to fall asleep, once she's asleep she sleeps well. 

(Oh that face!)

This has a connection to my non-stinking car, I promise. 

We were on our way home the other day from I don't remember where, and nap time was in sight. (The problem with Kinley sleeping in the car, is that not only does she not transfer to her bed, but that 10 minute cat nap will keep her going the rest of the day.) I see her eyes start to close about 5 minutes from the house. I call her name, but she doesn't care. I try to tickle her foot behind me, but her feet are up in her seat. Then I think of "This Little Light of Mine," it's one of their favorite songs. I start to sing, Harper chimes in, Kinley smiles, and I'm hopeful...I only need her to hang on 4 more minutes! But just as fast as she smiled, her eyes start to close again. In a moment of desperation, I plug my nose and sing. 

It works! I'm the funniest person on the planet, and Kinley is awake and laughing hysterically! So I'm not gonna lie, I've used this trick since, and I will use it again. 

Now it's entirely possible that my car might stink on occasion...I have 3 very young children after all. But chances are, I'm a tired mom, exhausting every weapon in my arsenal in order to have an hour of quiet while my two youngest nap at the same time. Some things are worth fighting for. 

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