Saturday, November 6, 2010

3. Pacifiers

Harper woke up thankful for her pacifiers today! She only gets them at night (or on airplanes or at the lab where they fail to draw blood). But to ensure that she can easily find one in the middle of the night without needing mommy's help, I put several in her crib. This has become a common sight when we come to get her in the morning.


  1. Emma did the same thing! She was such a pacifier baby ('cept here in Canada they call them "soothers"). When you're ready to break her habit, let me know, because I've got strategies!

  2. In England they call them "Dummies".. which I am not so fond of. I am totally going to try this method. We too only do pacifiers in the bed & airplanes. Little Harper is too cute! I love her name!

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