We think Harper's teething, again. She does this thing off and on where she takes things and rubs them as hard as she can over her gums. Well, that sounds like teething to me, right? She was doing it yesterday in the dining hall at camp, and someone said, "Wow, she's teething alright!" The problem is she's been doing that since about 4 months and still no teeth. She will be 8 months on Tuesday.
She had such a bad night the night before last that I thought maybe it was due to teething, but I actually think it was more about getting her back on schedule. As I've noted before, Harper is definitely happier with strict routine. Every time we come home from a trip, we always have a few fun days and nights trying to get her to sleep, or even stay awake, when she's supposed to. The other night was perhaps almost as bad as when we first brought her home from the hospital before she knew the difference between day and night! But yesterday I was even more strict with her nap times, and more importantly her awake times, and last night went MUCH better.
And in regards to her travels...Harper has now been on 14 airplanes! She is becoming as well-travelled as her parents. She has been to CA, GA, FL, IL, CO, NC and of course AZ. And this coming weekend we'll be crossing NV off her list. We're going to Laughlin to visit our friends Shaun and Melisa and Harper's bestie Braelyn. It's gonna be so much fun!
Here are a few more pictures from the rest of our trip...

Harper looking pretty with food on her face

Harper and Nana having fun
Harps with Aunt Lenny and Uncle Mike
Harpitty Hoop Hop with Aunt Kelly and Uncle Bri Bri

Harper found Grandpa's nose (not that that's hard to do!)
Aunt Lenny feeding Harper while mommy eats
I miss you guys already!!