Harper turned 8 Months on August 31st. I know it's said by everyone over and over, but man they grow up so fast!! Yesterday we did Harper's 8 month photo shoot, and it was such a blast. She is so full of personality, and she makes us smile and laugh all the time. I spent most of Tuesday morning taking out all of the clothes that are too small for her and packing them away. It's kind of sad...But then I got to go through the clothes that I've bought on sale here and there that have been too big, and it was like shopping all over again! I remember looking at some of

these clothes that were in her "too big" pile, and thinking just how big they seemed at the time! She was so small when she was born that even newborn clothes were too big on her. We almost had to move to preemies. Now she's wearing 6-12 months clothes, and looking so dang cute I might add. Her crawling is more of an army crawl, but she gets wherever she wants to go. She can stand holding on to things. She's making little jokes, which is so fun! Her favorite at the moment is still her little head lean, although she's added shaking her head "no" while leaning it to the side. Didn't think THAT could have gotten cuter! She reaches for who she wants to go to, she has a fake cough that she uses to try to get someone's attention (including the dogs), her facial expressions are vast and very clear, she recognizes her family on skype, and she makes everyone smile who comes in contact with her! And, it's 7:23 in the morning and she's still sleeping...woohoo!!! Go to my Flickr page to see more great pictures of Harps at 8 months!
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