Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Monthly Checkups

Have I ever mentioned my favorite day of the month? It's when I get to go to the doctor for my monthly checkup, and I get to hear my baby's heart beat! There's just nothing like it! And especially now, hearing baby kick...it's so much fun. Not to mention the fact that I have a wonderful husband who accompanies me to every visit, and gets just as excited as I do to hear that sound again. We have such a blast every time. And we always talk about the fact that we can't believe another month has gone by, since it feels like we were just there.

Today's visit was good. We have an awesome nurse practitioner, Peggy, who we like a lot. I really wish she would be the one performing the delivery, but she doesn't do that anymore. But she's a lot of fun, and she never makes me feel stupid when I have Chris pull out his phone with the list of questions I come up with over the month!

This was the first visit where I got my belly measured. My belly measurement is 21 cm. My weekly pregnancy books says that at 21 weeks I should be...21 cm! So that was good! It seems as if everything is moving along just as it should.

By the way, I do apologize for the lack of pictures on our baby blog...I took my mom and sister to Las Vegas and lost the camera. They say your brain shrinks when you're pregnant...

love, crazy pregnant lady

1 comment:

  1. Rachel & Chris,

    Reading your blog posts this morning has brought tears to my eyes. It is neat seeing how excited you guys are and to feel a little bit connected through your entries. After 4 babies that never gets old! The excitment of doctors appointments and the sounds and movements of a baby. I am so glad that God gives us this connection with these little people he has entrusted in our care, even from the very begining. There will be days when the baby is here or the baby is older and just not obeying that the connection is so important! :) Praying God blesses you and gives you the strength to be a parent.

    Love you! Tammy
