Summer was rough for me, what can I say? As I've mentioned (well, a while ago...), Chris was extremely busy this summer with camp and I was sick. I ended up having a colonoscopy which was no fun at all, and it turns out I have microscopic colitis. The doctor was pleased with this, because apparently we caught it very early. And since then, I've been controlling my symptoms with diet alone, so no medication! I actually have more energy now than I've had all summer, and I just entered the third trimester yesterday ironically enough. I kind of missed out on the glory days of the second trimester this time, but I still got to enjoy all the flutters and kicks that make pregnancy so much fun. This little girl is moving like crazy, and I love it!
Camp is now over, and I have my husband back, which helps so much. I went to Georgia to visit my family and then my mom came out to Arizona to help out here for a few weeks. Harper had a great time being loved on and spoiled a was good for her. Now life is getting back to normal. Of course in a couple of months that will change again, but only for the better.
Harper is talking now, and it's so cute hearing her little voice! My favorite word at the moment is "yogurt", which sounds like "Eegut". She's grown up so much over the last few months, and I couldn't be more proud of her. She still only has 5 teeth, but she manages well enough without the others.
Just before my mom left, we took her on a surprise camping trip to the Grand Canyon. She's never been, so she was pretty excited. Here are a few pictures from our little excursion.
3 of my favorite people! |
Nana and Harper, swinging like monkeys |
Me and my two girls, up in the tent |
Cold mornings at the canyon |
French Toast and.... |
...bacon for breakfast. Mmmm.... |
How easy camping in TN in 2005 was with just a tent and husband... :) Love you girl.