Wednesday, November 10, 2010

7. Happy Baby

I am so grateful to have such a happy baby! Everywhere we go people mention how happy she seems. Sure she has her fussy moments, but all in all she is a joy, and she makes her mommy and daddy so so happy!


  1. I think JOYFUL is an even better way to describe this very special little person!! She could make the most dour person in the world smile! :D

  2. Martin Jones, friend of grandma.November 12, 2010 at 12:33 AM

    What a lovely time they have. I know she has such lovely parents. Harper will grow up to be a joy to all.

  3. masha allah -i hope allah protect her
    she is so cute . i hope you are always happy .
    abir a friend of grandma

  4. Your blog became a useful reference for them who looking for happy baby. This is such a wonderful and fun post.
