Saturday, October 23, 2010

Vote for Harper!

Calling all Harper fans! She has just been entered into the Gap Casting Call contest, and we need your votes! There are two ways she could win. One is by the fan vote...that's you! And then there's the official Gap winners who are strictly chosen by Gap. As far as the fan vote goes, she doesn't have a chance at all, since the current winner has over 620,000 votes!!!! Harper was only entered yesterday, so she would have a whole lot of ground to make up!!! But you can still vote once a day, and it will just be fun to see how many fan votes she gets. As for the actual contest part, she is super cute and Gap loves redheads, so we figured why not try?

My friend Tara and I took her up the road a little ways to where the Aspen trees grow, and I got some really great shots of her there. She did great in front of the camera, as she always does, and we had a good time. The pictures on the gap website look really grainy for some reason, but most of them on there do, so hopefully the judges can see the actual good quality picture. I certainly hope so!

Here is the link so that you can vote for her:

Some more beautiful pictures from yesterday...The rest to follow on Flickr later today...

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