Thursday, October 14, 2010

Harper's Foot

If you will please divert your attention to Harper's right foot in these pictures, you will notice what her Daddy saw in the first 5 minutes of her life. When she was born, Harper would hold her right foot all the way against her shin. The doctors looked at it and said they thought it was okay because she has full range of motion in her ankle. Chris was never convinced. Every time I took her to a doctor's appointment, he wanted me to ask the doctor to check it out. Now that she's standing and walking (with help of course), that foot has come down. And it seems like she can put the same amount of weight on both feet. So we stopped worrying. But now I'm noticing that her right foot is a good 1/2 inch shorter than her left. That wouldn't be a big deal for my huge feet, but since Harper's feet are only a few inches to begin with, it seems like a big difference to me! So I asked her pediatrician at her 9 month appointment, and she wasn't sure about it. She made a few phone calls, and is now referring Harper to a pediatrist. Now before anyone panics, and I'm really speaking to you mum, it's probably nothing. They just want to check it out and make sure everything's fine. It doesn't give her any trouble at all, and it's not holding her back in her desire to walk in any way, so I'm not too worried. But having it checked will just give us peace of mind. When I know something, so will you.

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