Saturday, January 22, 2011


Harper's Nana and Papa Holohan sent us a Christmas/Harper's Birthday package from Illinois that just got here a few days ago. It got lost in the mail, and we all thought it was gone for good. But it luckily showed up. They sent us some great gifts, but Harper's favorite by far was her new purple dog Violet. It's one of those toys that you plug up to your computer and download different things like your kid's name, favorite color, favorite food, etc. She loves stuffed animals anyway, but this one is probably a close second to Eeyore (which was also a gift from her grandparents...what can I say, my father-in-law has some skills when it comes to picking out toys for the babies!) She loves how it says her name and asks for hugs. Here are a few pictures of Harper enjoying Violet on Daddy's lap.

Harper listening to Violet

Harper giving kisses
(she always kisses dogs on the nose...even our danes)
Hugs for Daddy and Violet

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