Tuesday, November 4, 2014

From the Emergency Room

Chris and I are at the ER with his grandmother. We got a call from the nursing home saying that they did an x-ray and she has a fractured ankle. When we got to the hospital, she was sitting all alone in the waiting room, confused, not knowing where she was or why she was here. According to the hospital staff, she was just dropped off without an explanation from the nursing home.  

Apart from the broken ankle, which she won't let them treat, her heart has slowed down quite a bit. The doctor wanted to admit her and see about a pacemaker, which she quickly declined. 

We've had quite a day. It started early for me after a long night. All three kids were up at some point last night. Foster was grouchy and tired all day. Kinley threw a fit at dance class. Harper threw a fit at dinner. When I tried to give Foster Tylenol he spit it out everywhere. And our date night we had planned for tonight turned into hours in the hospital with poor Nanny in so much pain. 

It was hard to come up with something to be thankful for. And then all of a sudden it wasn't. I'm thankful for family. I'm thankful that my kids are kids, and they have good days and bad days. I'm thankful for every precious hair on their heads. I'm thankful for my husband who loves me and cares for me and makes me laugh every day. I'm thankful that I could call my mom on a moment's notice to come take care of my kids so we could be with Nanny. I'm thankful that we can be here to sit by her and remind her of where she is and why. 

It certainly hasn't been the best day. But it definitely wasn't the worst. And as for the others....

Today they are thankful for...

Chris: that we have easy access to food. So many people don't have food, and we can just drive to one of a million choices and pick up dinner for the family when we're too tired to cook. 
Harper: Eeyore
Kinley: Rainbows and butterflies and necklaces
Foster: he wouldn't say, but I think based on his reaction when she got to our house tonight, it would be Nana 

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