Monday, September 29, 2014

And It Begins

From about the end of September to the end of January, our life doesn't stop. I have so many things going on, from birthdays to holidays to major work deadlines...and yet it's my favorite time of year. It always starts with Kinley's birthday. 

This adorable little beauty is turning 3 in two weeks! I've heard so many different opinions on kids' birthdays regarding how big or small the party should be. Some go into debt over them, some have to have it Pinterest perfect, and some don't like to make a fuss. As for me, I don't spend a lot, I get a lot of ideas from Pinterest but don't have the time to do most of them, and I definitely make a fuss! My kids' birthdays are so important to me. It's the day I met them! We don't spoil our kids, and we don't lavish them with gifts. We try to teach them to put others before themselves. But on their birthdays, we take every opportunity to celebrate them. 

So here I am, very much behind on my party planning, sending out invitations less than two weeks before. But I'm excited! 

Who wouldn't want to celebrate that face?! My Kinley is wild, affectionate, funny, sweet, mesmerizing, and loyal. She talks like she's in a Dr. Seuss book, saying 'yox' for socks and 'weetsies' for her feetsies. She loves to laugh and she loves to be mischievous. She goes to the corner a lot, so much so that she has her own corner hashtag on Instagram. She's a tough little girl, too. She doesn't cry any time she gets hurt, she only cries if it really hurts. She loves a lot and loves deeply. And I love her immensely! 

Can't wait to celebrate!

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